“The Bat” comes to the Brush Creek stage October 14-30

Brush Creek is very pleased to be able to bring The Bat to our stage — director Norman Gouveia and his cast are hard at work bringing this classic to the stage for its October opening. The show will include 3 performances each weekend from Friday, October 14 through Sunday, October 30, with performances at 7 pm on Fridays and Saturdays and at 2 pm on Sundays.

In this popular American mystery play, incident is piled on incident with skill and plausibility, and it is impossible to know who the real criminal is until the final curtain. This thriller revolves around Cornelia Van Gorder, a maiden lady of sixty, who rents the summer home of a banker reported killed in Colorado. She is warned that mysterious things are happening, but she refuses to move. Then it is discovered that a large sum is missing from the dead man’s bank, and it is suspected that, far from being dead, he stole the money, hid it in a secret chamber in his house and is only waiting for a chance to sneak back to get it. Four others are after the money: the bank cashier who is wrongfully accused of taking it, a detective engaged by Miss Van Gorder to clear up the mystery, a doctor friend and supposed confederate of the missing banker and The Bat, a notorious thief who has long eluded the police. This genuine thriller is guaranteed to divert any audience.

Reserved Seat Tickets are on sale now at our ticket-selling partners (whose support we greatly appreciate!)

Brush Creek’s prices have not increased in recent years — still just $10 ($8 for children, students & seniors)! You can buy tickets at either of our two ticket-selling partners:

Runaway Art & Craft Studio on South Commercial in Salem                             

Books-N-Time (cash only) on Water Street in downtown Silverton

Tickets also are available at the door beginning 30 minutes before each performance

You also can contact Michael Wood by voice or text at (503)508-3682 for information

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