Teen/Young Adult auditions for “The Time Traveler” Sept 22 & 24

We have open auditions for this year’s teen/young adult show coming on Sunday, September 22 and Tuesday, September 24. The Sunday auditions for “The Time Traveler” by Michael Wood and Emily Wood will be at the theater (Silverton and Brush Creek Roads) at 6 pm. The Tuesday auditions will be at Runaway Art and Craft Studio in downtown Salem (311 Commercial St NE) at 6 pm. We will be using cold readi…ngs.

The play is a bit science fiction, a bit mystery, and a bit of an old-fashioned heartrending romance. It should be great fun, and we encourage all those interested between the ages of 13 and their mid-20s to come give it a try. The production will begin rehearsing the following week, with performances in November. Please pass the information on to anyone who might be interested!

For more information, you can contact Director Michael Wood at mdwelpis@comcast.net or 503-508-3682

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