Make your reservation at the Blizzard Bed and Breakfast for . . . murder!

A group of strangers gathered together at an old house converted into a bed and breakfast, have been cut off from the world at large. Not long after they are joined by an unexpected visitor, the mystery deepens. Sound a bit like something out of Agatha Christie? That’s no accident. Brush Creek’s final offering of 2017 is Christmas at the Blizzard: A Murder Mystery, a parlor mystery in the tradition of Dame Agatha herself. The play, written by Emily Wood and Michael Wood, returns to the Brush Creek stage 6 years after its debut production.

You have all the makings of a real mystery here. Just toss in a snowstorm, a suspicious stranger or two, a secret treasure, and a . . . food processor?

Get your tickets now for just $10 ($8 for seniors, children and students) — Brush Creek now has reserved seating available. Just pick up your tickets at Books-N-Time on Water Street in downtown Silverton or at Runaway Art & Craft Studio on NE Commercial in downtown Salem.

The production opens Friday, December 1 and runs through Sunday, December 17, with performances at 7 pm on Fridays and Saturdays and at 2 pm on Sundays.

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