Jack & the Beanstalk opens at Brush Creek Playhouse on February 15

Brush Creek Players are opening their annual children and youth show, Jack & the Beanstalk, on Friday, February 15. The play will run four performances for three weekends through March 3, 2013.

“The story of Jack, a somewhat naïve young man who does great things, is a wonderful story,” said Michael Wood, the play’s author.  “And Brush Creek’s offering is a good-natured adaptation of the classic tale.  It has all the standard elements, as well as some of the good-humored twists that Brush Creek’s original children’s shows have become known for.”

“Linda Zellner is a wonderful director for young actors, and we have a great mix of new and experienced cast this year,” Wood said.  “She helps them realize what they can do to bring characters to life – even characters that are very different from the actors themselves.”

The play, which rotates between two almost completely different casts to give as many actors as possible an opportunity to perform, will include 7 p.m. performances on Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. matinees on Saturdays and Sundays.

Tickets are $10 for general admission, with discounted tickets for students with a valid ID ($8), for those over 60 ($7) and for those under 12 ($7).

Tickets can be purchased in advance at Stampin’Cat Studio on S.E. Commercial in Salem and at Books-N-Time on N. Water in downtown Silverton.  Tickets also will be available at the door 30 minutes before each performance.

Those seeking further information can contact Michael Wood at 503-508-3682.

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