Dracula comes to Brush Creek’s stage just in time for Halloween!

The cast and crew of Brush Creek’s production of Dracula are well on their way to bringing this tale of terror to the Brush Creek stage!

Brush Creek’s show opens a on Friday, October 18, and will run through Sunday, November 3. In addition to the normal performances scheduled for 7 pm Friday and Saturdays and 2 pm Sundays, Brush Creek has scheduled a special Halloween performance at 7 pm Thursday, October 31. Come to the Halloween performance in a (genuine) costume and get $2 off the price of admission!

Director Norman Gouveia is looking forward to opening night, which will offer a real treat to audiences interested in the classic tale. The script by John L. Balderston and Hamilton Deane is a direct adaptation of Bram Stoker’s classic novel.

In the tale, Lucy Seward, whose father is the doctor in charge of an English sanatorium, has been attacked by some mysterious illness. Dr. Van Helsing, a specialist, believes that the girl is the victim of a vampire, a sort of ghost that goes about at night sucking blood from its victims. The vampire is at last found to be a certain Count Dracula, whose ghost is finally laid to rest in a striking and novel manner. The play is intended for all who love thrills in the theater, and is appropriate for all groups.

Reserved seat tickets go on sale the weekend of October 5 at both our ticket-selling partners, Books-N-Time at 210 N. Water St in downtown Silverton and Runaway Art & Craft Studio at 311 Commercial St. NE in downtown Salem. Tickets are just $10 ($8 for seniors 60 and over, children 12 and under, and students with ID). Tickets are also available at the door beginning 30 minutes before each performance.

Call Michael Wood at (503)508-3682 with questions or to inquire about group sales.

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