Brush Creek Plans Virtual Membership Meeting on September 20

To all BCP Members and Friends:

In order to comply with distancing requirements and to ensure the highest level of protection for our valued members, friends, and volunteers — many of whom face elevated risks from the pandemic for one reason or another — the Brush Creek Board plans to hold our fall membership meeting as an entirely virtual meeting.

This will be the annual Brush Creek Playhouse general membership meeting, required by our Bylaws. The primary agenda will be to take reports from the Board about the theater’s status in 2020 and about tentative plans for 2021, as well as to elect new officers — President (Linda Zellner is not eligible for a third term), Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer — for 2021. The virtual meeting will convene at 6 pm and run no longer than 1 hour (the meeting will be preceded by a BCP Board meeting from 5:30 to 6, to which all are welcome). All BCP members and friends are invited — only members will be able to vote.

The Zoom link to register is shown below — we are asking attendees to register so that we have an accurate record of attendance, but everyone is welcome to register and attend without restriction.

Zoom Meeting Details:

The meeting begins at 5:30; membership meeting begins at 6 pm) on Sunday, September 20.
Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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