Brush Creek launches “GoFundMe” to restore exterior

Brush Creek Players are up and running again after the pandemic (thank you, all, for your continued support!). As always, we are able to cover our operating expenses through ticket sales — it is all about the audiences after all!
But keeping our 125-year-old building fit and trim takes extra work. Although it has been only 10 years since we restored the outside (including a new foundation and restored siding), it is very much in need of several coats of fresh paint (and a thorough roof cleaning). To do the job right, we need $20,000 (anything we raise beyond what we need for the building restoration will remain in the building fund for other important projects). The picture at the top of the page sort of describes the “once and future” playhouse — it looked that way just a few years ago, and it soon will look that way again! But at the moment…..
We need to tackle the paint (and give the roof a good cleaning as well), SO we are tapping GoFundMe for the first time in our history as a way to reach out to our friends and supporters. Remember, your contribution to BCP — unlike some other GoFundMe donations — remains a contribution to a 501-c-3 charity for tax purposes!
You can of course still contribute by mail at P.O. Box 716, Silverton, OR 97381 (please, NEVER send anything to the BCP street address). But GoFundMe is more convenient for you, and their fees are pretty reasonable — they are exactly what we would pay for credit processing if we sent you an electronic invoice to pay by credit card. So feel free to use the link below if you would like to help us out.
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