“All in the Timing” will hit Brush Creek’s stage June 16 thru July 2

As “The Hallelujah Girls” finishes its first of 3 weekends, Brush Creek is pleased to announce the cast of its next production, “All in the Timing,” a set of 1-acts written by David Ives and directed by Dixie McCartney.
Dixie has settled on a cast made up of Ariel Blain, Tavis Evans, Julianna Gibbons, and Marc Wassom. As with so many of our recent shows, “All in the Timing” will offer a blend of familiar faces and first-time performers (at least on the Brush Creek stage). And with a whole group of 1-act plays to stage, this group will certainly have their work cut out for them!
The show will open Friday, June 16 and run through Sunday, July 2 (note the 1-week delay in the performance schedule, compared to previous publicity).
We are looking forward to yet another wonderful comic production!
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