Brush Creek to hold annual membership meeting on October 15

Brush Creek Players will be holding the theater’s annual membership meeting at the Playhouse (11535 Silverton Road SE — the intersection of Brush Creek and Silverton Roads) at 4 pm on Sunday, October 15. The members will hear reports from the Board on the 2024 season, the financial status of the organization, and the 2023 painting project. In addition, the membership will elect the four executive officers for 2024 — President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

The meeting is expected to last less than an hour. All interested individuals are welcome to attend, although only currently active members are entitled to vote.

Come join the cast of “Ebenezer: A Christmas Carol”

Brush Creek is holding open auditions for its next great show, a brand new adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic, A Christmas Carol. Brush Creek will perform Ebenezer: A Christmas Carol, written by Michael Wood and performed by arrangement with Evander Dramatic Press, the first three weekends of December.

But FIRST, we need a cast!

The show includes roles for all ages and skill levels. We have parts of all sizes, and we can find a use for non-speaking characters as well (plus, if singing Christmas Carols is your thing, have we ever got a place for you!)

Open auditions will be held at 1 pm on Sunday, September 24 and at 6 pm on Monday, September 25. Can’t make those dates or have questions you’d like answered? Contact Director Norman Gouveia at (503)871-6788 (voice or text) or by e-mail at

A word about the script from the author:

Christmas Carol is truly timeless, and the story has as much to offer a modern audience as it did to its readers when it was published 180 years ago. Although it includes a twist or two of its own (not the least of which is the liberal use of classic Christmas Carols throughout the tale), Ebenezer is a faithful retelling of the original story. Among many others in the cast, you will find Ebenezer Scrooge, his nephew Fred, his clerk Bob Cratchit, Bob’s wife Molly, and the Cratchit children — including the ailing but cheerful Tiny Tim! You will see his old boss Fezziwig and his deceased partner Marley, as well as his loving sister Fan and his childhood sweetheart Belle. And, of course, you will see the 3 Christmas spirits. But, most of all, you will experience the true spirit of Christmas, which infuses the entire tale!