“Poetry in the Playhouse” for April 2013

Brush Creek Players announce “Poetry in the Playhouse” for April 2013

Brush Creek Players are pleased to add a new experience to the 2013 schedule – in celebration of National Poetry Month, Brush Creek is devoting a weekend to poetry, both original and classic works.

“Poetry at the Playhouse” will take place on April 19 thru 21, with performances at 7 pm on Friday and Saturday and at 2 pm on Sunday. This mic event will be hosted by local NW poet, Ariel. Admission will be $5.

“It’s something new for the Playhouse,” Ariel, a familiar face at the Playhouse, said. “But many of us here love poetry, and we welcome the chance to share that love with the community. And the Playhouse is a great venue to showcase the talented poets in our communities.”

Those interested in reading a poem or three (either original work or a classic in the public domain) at one or more of the performances should send a copy of the poem(s) with the subject line “Poetry” to BCPTheater@aol.com by Saturday, April 5. The host will review the piece to determine whether it is suitable for a family audience.  If one or more pieces are accepted, the participant will be asked to pay a $5 participation fee (but only once, even if reading more than one piece in all three performances).

The playhouse is located at 11535 Silverton Road NE (the intersection of Silverton and Brush Creek Roads) near Silverton, Oregon.

Event:             “Poetry at the Playhouse”

Time & Date: 7 pm Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20; 2 pm, Sunday, April 21

Location:        Brush Creek Playhouse, 11535 Silverton Road
(intersection of Brush Creek and Silverton roads between Silverton and Salem)

Admission:     $5

Open Auditions for My Three Angels

Brush Creek Players will be holding open auditions on April 1 and 2 for My Three Angels, a classic Broadway Comedy written by Samuel and Bella Spewack. The production will be directed by Norman Gouveia.

The play will be performed weekends from Friday, May 17 thru Sunday, June 2.

When:      Monday, April 1, 6:30 pm Tuesday, April 1, 6:30pm

Where:     Brush Creek Playhouse
11535 Silverton Road NE
Silverton, Oregon

Auditions will be cold readings from the script. All interested actors are encouraged to try out, with or without previous acting experience. For further information, contact Norman Gouveia at normanjr1@msn.com, visit BrushCreekPlayhouse.com, or find Brush Creek Playhouse on Facebook.

Norman describes the play – which includes parts for both males and females ranging from young adults to more mature character – as follows:

The scene is French Guiana, a region where on Christmas day the temperature has graciously dropped to 104 degrees. Three convicts are employed as roofers by a family whose roof is in desperate need of maintenance. On the way from France is an evil-minded cousin, to oust the father of the family from his business, and his cold-blooded nephew, who is jilting the father’s daughter for an heiress. The three convicts—two of them murderers, the third a swindler—take the visitors on. All three have warm hearts and are passionate believers in true justice. Possessing every criminal art and penal grace, they set matters right and in doing so redeem themselves as real life angels to the grateful family.


Children and Youth Play A Success

Thanks to Linda Zellner and the many other people, this year’s children and youth play was a success! Michael Wood wrote a fun play called “Jack and the Beanstalk.” One of the best benefits was making new friends and getting more young people excited about acting and the theater.

Please watch for an announcement for auditions for Norman’s play “My Three Angels.” It too looks to be another great production!

Thank you Linda for 18 years! or is it more? of inspiration, patience and sharing your passion for drama to all those impressionable small folks.

And a huge thank you to all the children and youth and their families. We have new outside lights. We heard lots of laughter and fabulous costumes and props and just one set. Wow that is a first for Michael. The time families make to help with these productions is what makes them possible! Yahoo to such great team work.